AC 3000 in Ski Lodge Attic?
Greetings Grasshoppers,
I am glad to announce that this is the first ever post of "The Grasshopper Journal"!
Now, let us begin, shall we?
As I was on the Club Penguin Rewritten login screen, I noticed something rather odd; the popular Sleet server only had two bars of online players. Usually, Sleet is near full or completely full, making it near impossible to join the server.
I was rather confused, so I decided to make my way to the Town. A penguin there expresses a concern that we all share; "Where are all the Penguins?". As exclaimed by another fellow penguin, "Everyone is at the Ski Lodge Attic".
I proceed towards the Ski Lodge Attic and I managed to find what seems to be an oversized AC3000, similar to the one we saw in Operation Hibernation.
As seen in the picture provided above, the Attic was packed! Another noticeable feature is a large that sign reads as follows;
Could the sign be hinting towards the event in which the Dojo suffers an avalanche? Or could it be something else? Only time will tell, so we will have to wait and see.
Comment down below what you believe this sign may be referring to!
Pursue knowledge grasshoppers,
Waddle On!
~ JaghataiKhan
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