Greetings Grasshoppers,
The April Fools party has arrived! Be wary for there's a lot of wacky and silly stuff that goes on during this time of the year!
First off, naturally with every party, there are free hats. In this specific party, though, there are five free items! Let us get into these first.
Head to the Cove for a pair of silly swirly sunglasses.
Next, head to the Docks for a pair of box shoes.
The red propeller cap can be found at the Ski Hill.

Now, head to the Snow Forts and you will see a giant Box portal. Walk through it and off to the Box Dimension we go!
The Box Dimension is the silliest place you will ever visit on the island! It contains seven different wacky rooms to explore, each with their own unique goofs!
But let us be real, what we look forward to the most in the parties is the free gear! Lets get down to it.
Head on to the box with the green cactus on it. You will be prompted to a desert with a nice Mexican background theme to it. Access the catalog on the bottom right corner.
Click on the "O" in "STORE" and it will give you the Box Suit for free!
Now, exit through the small box on the left. Head to the box with the green jester hat on it.
This will prompt you to the stand up comedy like stage, where you have to walk up to the jester hat located on the bottom right corner.
Walk back to the Box Dimension through the small box on the left corner.
Now head to the box with the green barrel on it.
You will now be taken to a room that appears like segments of an island surrounded by cream soda! Keep in mind this is a maze, so follow the arrows carefully down below.
Step 1: Walk into the middle barrel found at the bottom left corner.
Step 2: Walk back into the barrel you were teleported to as a result of step 1 (the top left barrel near the caged box hat).
Step 3: Walk back into the barrel you were teleported to as a result of step 2 (the left barrel on the bottom right corner).
Step 4: Walk back into the barrel you were teleported to as a result of step 3 (the right barrel on the second island above the bottom left).
Step 5: You made it to the end! Step onto the slab to claim your prize!
Walk out of the maze and back into the Box Dimension. This time put on your Box outfit to access the "Boxes Only" section of this room! (You only need to wear the torso to get in)
Once you put on the costume a box will float up, open and then you can walk through it. The box will lead to you a new wacky room!
This room has many cool features, if you walk into the penguin head-shaped rocks and type a message, the beaks will move up and down as if they were talking. Pretty goofy huh?
That is all for this party, make sure to enjoy it while it lasts! Also, keep an eye out for the illusive prank master Rookie. He must be hiding around the island somewhere...
Pursue knowledge grasshoppers,
Waddle On!
~ JaghataiKhan